An API and Methodology for Microarchitectural Event Tracing

Vighnesh Iyer

Group Meeting

Friday, Feburary 16th, 2024

Motivation and Background

Motivation for Event Tracing

  • Main Questions
    • What is our RTL design doing when running this workload?
    • Why is it doing that?
    • How is it doing that?
  • Commit logs are too coarse-grained (instruction level)
    • Instruction retires at cycle and writes a register with some value
    • It also accesses this memory address and performs this memory operation
    • We can't answer why or how an instruction behaves as it did
  • Waveforms are too fine-grained
    • Here is the value of every single bit in your RTL design for millions of cycles
    • How are we supposed to make sense of this?
    • Transaction-level waveforms may ease the human burden a bit
  • Dependency chains aren't captured

uArch Event Graphs

  • Events are defined in RTL (and in a performance model)
  • An event has
    • Scope: which RTL instance and node it is attached to
    • Trigger: the RTL condition that causes this event to fire
    • Metadata: data that's attached to this event
    • Tag: a unique identifier for this particular event
    • Parents: predecessor events that caused this event to happen
    • Children: successor events that are caused by this event
  • Interesting microarchitectural events are manually annotated

Event graphs are a useful middle-ground between commit logs and waveforms (and can augment both of them).

What Can uArch Event Graphs Enable?

  • Performance metric extraction
  • Pipeline visualization
  • Subgraph clustering to identify unique event traces
  • Anomaly detection / intelligent graph diff for RTL optimizations
  • Post-silicon debug/validation / model correlation
gem5 pipeline data visualized in Konata pipeline viewer

Aside: Event Tracking APIs at Apple

  • What do the event APIs look like? (RTL and performance model)
  • What metadata is associated with an event?
  • How are events tracked? How are parents identified? Is event tag propagation done manually?
  • What events are visible in post-silicon debug? How are events used post-silicon?
  • How are event graphs used for RTL debug? How are they summarized for human consumption?
    • Are there existing unsupervised learning techniques used to find anomalies or extract unique fragments?
  • How are event graphs visualized? Is there a common viewer tool for profiling and event traces?

Feedback From Apple

  • They use the event API primarily for pre-silicon debugging
    • They use a pure software tag manager
    • Manual tag propagation
    • Post-silicon visible events use a different API
  • Performance bugs are caught at block or subsystem level (NOT SoC-level)
    • SoC-level event traces only contain system-level events (NOT pipeline events)
  • There is magic for extracting event traces from silicon
    • Trace buffer is in DRAM, can sample events in time and space, avoid perturbing the uArch from trace dumping
    • Hardware for on-the-fly trace encoding and compression
    • Only extract events that are relevant for future generations

An Implementation Sketch

A Simple API for Orphan Events

The most simple event API

time: 1, event: "e", metadata: { d: d1 }
time: 5, event: "e", metadata: { d: d2 }
time: 8, event: "e", metadata: { d: d3 }
  • This isn't a graph though, it is just a log
  • We need to track parent/child relationships between 2 or more events

Extending the API with Event Tags

  • A tag uniquely identifies an event instance
  • Tags are referenced in other events to establish a parent/child relationship
  • Absolute tags don't support multiple event instances triggred in the same cycle
  • Tag bits are overprovisioned

Improving Event Tags

Event instance tags are managed by a freelist in RTL and are recycled when no longer referenced
  • How many tags can be in flight simultaneously?
  • When should a tag be recycled?

Multiple Tags in Flight

  • Use a CAM to store the tag associated with each ROB entry; dequeue and reference the tag when an element is pulled from the ROB
  • How many tags can be in flight at the same time?
  • Manual tag management is becoming tedious

Leveraging Hardware Compilers for Event Tracing


  • Trace every parent to a tracker that can lead there (in general: information flow tracking)
  • Identify every case where a tracker 'moves' from one location to another and synthesize a tracking tag map
  • Recycle tags when no more parents exist that can consume it

Information Flow Tracking

  • Although the idea might seem simple, the implementation is complex (multiple parent trackers, choosing when to recycle tags, how many inflight tags)
  • Upshot: event tracing structures can be synthesized via a hardware compiler pass

Tracking Out-Of-Order Trackers

  • We can build a transition system for each event instance (tag)
  • Track how each tag flows through the system until it is consumed by an event as a parent
  • All this logic can be synthesized
    • Implementing this structure manually would be tedious and error-prone

Additional Complexity

  • When should a tag be retired? What if an event has multiple children?
  • What if tags are referred to as parents of an event that produces that tag? Need to break loops
    • e.g. replaying instructions in the Rocket pipeline when a structural hazard is present
  • Can information flow tracking scale for an entire SoC?
    • Everything propagates to everything. How can we limit the propagation scope of a tracker?


  • Microarchitectural event tracing enables many cool things
    • Graph analysis to identify performance bottlenecks, anomalies, unique traces
    • Post-silicon event tracing and model correlation with real workloads + event pruning / compression / encoding
    • Performance model extraction from RTL via unsupervised learning
      • Construct high-level event traces from functional simulation
      • Train a model to synthesize event graphs given partial traces